They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

As publishers, we might not entirely agree, but it’s definitely true that certain books just aren’t complete without pictures and text. Imagine Roald Dahl without Quentin Blake, or The Very Hungry Caterpillar without Eric Carle’s colourful creations.

If you’ve written a children’s book, or have a project requiring bespoke graphic design, we can help. We have a range of trusted artists to choose from, to suit any story and style.

We will advise you ever step of the way, recommending the approach we think best suits your writing, and working with you to put together detailed specifications so the artist knows exactly what you want. We also handle the tricky part of negotiating and liaising with the artist.

But you retain control, with every image following your instructions, and the opportunity to feedback on the artist’s work before anything goes to print.

If you’ve produced your own illustrations, or you’ve already partnered with an artist, that’s no problem. We can lay out your work so image and word work together to create a dynamic, engaging package.

If you have something specific in mind – maybe you’ve written a book, of family history and need some family trees putting together, or you’d like maps drawn for you fantasy epic – drop us a line and we’ll be happy to talk things through.

Let’s paint a pretty picture. Get in touch with one of our team!