Why does your manuscript need editing? What does an editor do that a simple spelling and grammar check can’t?

An editor makes sure your manuscript is the best it can be. They don’t limit themselves simply to typos and punctuation. Working in close partnership with you, they offer an impartial, informed perspective on your work, guiding you on matters such as structure, style and content.

They ensure the polish and professionalism that will distinguish your book in a crowded marketplace. They also provide a sounding board for new ideas, as well as offering their own.

When it comes to grammar and spelling, computers can be useful. But no software has been developed that can successfully identify the vagaries of English grammar one hundred per cent of the time. And what about books with non-standard grammar? It would be interesting to see what Microsoft Word makes of The Catcher in the Rye… Writing is an art, and all good art involves breaking the rules sometimes. A good editor understands this; computers do not.

Jelly Bean’s editorial staff also work for our award-winning partner imprint Candy Jar Books, and our comprehensive editing services include a complementary proofread, ensuring the highest standards of accuracy and thoroughness.

Get in touch for a free consultation with one of our editorial team!